Enquiries about booking the hall to Caroline Fiddes, 01394 410069

Bawdsey Village Hall

In the time of the Quilters, the village hall was a Reading Room. At this time it is described as being a brick building with a thatched roof and rough cast walls. It consisted of a large games room and kitchen. There was a flat on the upper floor containing a bedroom and living room, occupied in the 1950s by the caretaker.

In a time before television, it was a very social place for the village, the most popular event being Whist Drives. People sat outside and played quoits. Later strawberries were grown in the area which is the present day allotment. Bawdsey WI also met there. It was donated to the village for use as a village hall by Norman Simper, James Mann and Cmd Walter Wells in 1939.